domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

Apple iPad Mini 4 Not as Powerful as the iPad Air 2 But … | AppleWI

<b>Apple iPad</b> Mini 4 Not as Powerful as the iPad Air 2 But … | AppleWI

<b>Apple iPad</b> Mini 4 Not as Powerful as the iPad Air 2 But … | AppleWI

Posted: 18 Oct 2015 09:48 PM PDT

Apple has launched the iPad mini 4 claiming that it is a mini version of the powerful iPad Air 2 which the American tech giant unveiled last year. While its latest mini-tablet did not live up to such hype as it came out not as ? Click here to read ...

The Logic Pros: Creating custom-made, tempo flexible <b>Apple</b> Loops <b>...</b>

Posted: 18 Oct 2015 08:44 PM PDT

Apple Day ? Apple, iPod, iPad, iPhone, iTouch, iMac, iBook ... Creating Apple Loops with Logic's built-in Loop Browser can be a very convenient way of storing bits of audio that you would like to go back to in future projects, like say a great snare sound, some vocal clips or some live percussion loops. While at first LPX's loop browser may seem like it is just for accessing the vast library of samples Apple throws at you, we can just as easily drop our own audio in there, whether it be third ...

How to save and edit your Safari passwords on your <b>iPad</b> | <b>iPad</b> Insight

Posted: 18 Oct 2015 08:33 PM PDT

Rob is a displaced Chicago Bears fan living in the Orlando Florida area. When not obsessing about everything Apple, he can usually be found outside boating across Florida's natural resources and taking the road less traveled. More Posts ...

Japan's major architecture, engineering firms going "all <b>iPad</b>" in <b>...</b>

Posted: 18 Oct 2015 01:11 PM PDT

Apple has specifically profiled Daiwa House Industry, Japan's largest homebuilder, as a major enterprise iPad adopter, detailing how the company uses iPads and custom iOS apps for everything from design and building tools to managing ...

Siri, <b>Apple</b> Pay, <b>iPad</b> Pro y el iPhone 7: Rumorsfera - Applesfera

Posted: 18 Oct 2015 11:09 AM PDT

Llegamos a un domingo m?s y como siempre, retomamos nuestro Rumorsfera habitual, vamos a ver todo lo que se ha cocido en el microcosmos de Apple.... prozradila ceny <b>Apple</b> TV a iPadu Pro pro ČR!

Posted: 18 Oct 2015 10:05 AM PDT

iPad Pro icon Dnes dopoledne jsme v?s informovali, ?e server MacRumors informoval o evropsk?ch cen?ch nov? Apple TV 4 a iPadu Pro. V ?l?nku jste mohli naj?t ceny v eurech ze sousedn?ho N?mecka a odhadovan? p?epo?et na ?esk? ...

Где дешевле купить <b>iPad</b> в России: октябрь 2015 | Новости и <b>...</b>

Posted: 18 Oct 2015 10:00 AM PDT

?? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ?? ??????? Apple ? ?????? ????? ??????????? ?????????? ? ??????? ??? ???????? ???????? ????????? ???????? iPad. ??? ?????????? ?? ?? ???????? ???????? ????, ? ???, ????? ??????, ...

Magic Keyboard: The ultimate guide | iMore

Posted: 18 Oct 2015 07:00 AM PDT

Everything you need to know to setup and use the Magic Keyboard on your Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV. The Magic Keyboard comes with new Macs but it also works with old Macs, and with iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. It connects over ...

Multa per <b>Apple</b>: violati brevetti chip iPhone e <b>iPad</b> - TecnoAndroid

Posted: 18 Oct 2015 05:55 AM PDT

Maxi multa per Apple, condannata a pagare una cifra milionaria per aver violato i brevetti di alcuni chip presenti su iPhone e iPad.

V�me, kolik bude st�t nov� <b>Apple</b> TV a <b>iPad</b> Pro v Evropě

Posted: 18 Oct 2015 03:36 AM PDT

Apple TV 4 by se m?la za??t prod?vat u? koncem tohoto m?s?ce a iPad Pro pak za??tkem listopadu. S touto informac? p?i?el p?ed t?dnem server 9to5mac, kter? se odkazoval na sv? zdroje, jen? jsou obezn?meni s pl?ny spole?nosti Apple.

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